Trump's Infrastructure Plan Means Now is Time For Action, No Excuses

River infrastructure is a major concern for commodities in USA right now.
President Trump’s pledge for infrastructure improvement was a good first step. It was encouraging to see the President of the United States bring attention to a problem that has needed addressing for decades.
Our infrastructure, once the envy of the world, is deteriorating and repairs are long overdue. Our inland waterways system is critical to moving products up and down our rivers. Without it, the strain on our highway and rail systems would be overwhelming.
Few argue against the need for modernization but many in Washington argue that it is time to actually do something about it. Infrastructure improvements would seem to be common ground between our political parties something that is rare today.
If they can’t come together to get this done, then what chance is there of anything of real significance being accomplished by our government?
As much as our transportation infrastructure needs improvement, our political infrastructure needs it even more. It is becoming painfully obvious on several important issues that our elected officials either don’t have solutions or are unwilling to get past their differences to find them.
The time for speeches on improving our locks, dams, roads and bridges is over action is what the people of USA want to see.
"We’ve heard them for years. Now it’s time for action. No more excuses"
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