$100 Ideas
Trailer Doubles as Shop on Wheels
I wanted space for more tools on my fuel trailer, so I built a rack from box iron to hold a portable welder, air compressor, oxy/acetylene welder and other supplies. The top is made from flat expanded metal. I routed an electric cord from the portable welder to the front of the trailer and mounted an electrical outlet by the toolbox. The rack is bolted to the trailer but removable. It took 15 hours to build at a cost of about $200. Tom Twiss farms with his wife, Shirl, and his son, Trent. They raise wheat, millet dryland corn and stocker calves.
Dual-Purpose Bumper
Using an old truck bumper as a pattern, I made a durable bumper out of two pieces of diamond-plate steel, welded steps into the corners and added LED lights. I built-in two 18"x6¾"x5" toolboxes, accessed by a finger hole in the lid. A thin piece of steel welded inside forms a lip for the lid, which uses standard door hinges. A tension spring keeps the lid shut.
Charlie Madaris
Hope Hull, Ala.
Hope Hull, Ala.
Speed Wrench for Rusty Irrigation Valves
Changing lots of rusty caps and stems on poly riser irrigation valves can be difficult and time consuming. To speed up the process, I built a wrench attachment. I took a ½"-drive socket extension and welded it to valve opener forks. With the water drained out of the irrigation line, I can swap out the caps and stems using the power of the impact wrench to deal with tight, rusty threads.
Mitchell Searle
Burley, Idaho
Burley, Idaho
Share your unpublished ideas to join our $100 Ideas Club. The Double Your Money winner receives $200. Other farmers featured receive $100 each. All winners receive a hat.
To submit your unpublished idea, which must include a description, photo or sketch, address and phone number, write to $100 Ideas, Farm Journal, P.O. Box 1188, Johnston, IA 50131-9421, email $100-Ideas@farmjournal.com or fill out the entry form at www.farmjournal.com/enter_100_ideas. All published material becomes Farm Journal Media property.
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